Host a Fair Booth

Host a Fair Booth

Are you looking for a way to reach the unchurched in your community? One of the many ways congregations across the Michigan District, LCMS have dealt with this challenge is through fair booths.

Dozens of churches participate every year in fair booths sponsored by local Lutheran Laymen¹s League members. Expenses for the booths are in large part covered by local and zone LLL organizations.

Trinity, Onekama reports another successful summer fair booth in northwestern Michigan during the summer of 2007.

“We distributed 177 Bibles,” said Trinity fair booth coordinator Loren Brown. “We hope and trust the seeds that were planted are taking root. In addition, 3,300 individual items promoting Lutheran Hour Ministries or providing Christian messages were also distributed. This includes cross lapel pins, Lutheran Hour nail files, LLL fair bags, pens, pencil, cross necklaces, religious bracelets, cross puzzles , candy packs with Bible verse and prayer booklets.”

Trinity, Paw Paw had a booth at the Van Buren Youth Fair for the fourteenth time. Members handed out English and Spanish New Testaments, children¹s materials, and tracts.

“A total of 37 volunteers helped man the booth, 15 of them for the first time,” said Linda Anderson, of Trinity¹s Board of Evangelism. “The Gospel was shared with four unchurched people who were encouraged to begin looking for a Bible-believing church. One of the four is thinking about coming to Trinity.”

If you are interested in a booth at your fair and would like more information, contact LLL District Vice President John Raffel at 616.225.9492.