Be a Church Ambassador

Be a Church Ambassador

LHM’s Ambassador Program Supports Church Outreach 
Faith Spelbring, LHM’s newly hired Ambassador Manager, has spent the last six years working as a Director of Christian Education at University Lutheran Chapel in Los Angeles. She says that experience has taught her that it takes more than a few church workers to have a successful ministry. Empowered laity is essential for a church that is going to grow exponentially. With the Holy Spirit leading the charge and the encouragement of our professional church workers, our church members can impact the lives of those in our communities by bringing a message of hope to people in need of a Savior. Lutheran Hour Ministries can help make this possible.

LHM is dedicated to equipping the Church to share Christ with anyone and everyone they meet. Armed with Scripture and effective outreach tools, LHM helps the people in the pews transform into people bringing Good News! One way LHM does this is through its Ambassador Program.

Ambassadors are volunteer lay people from each congregation who keep their church informed of the latest resources from LHM, such as thewww.JCPlayZone.com Web site where kids can play games and do crafts and other activities that have a positive Christian message. LHM’s Global Work Witness www.lhm.org/globalmission volunteer trips and Equipping to Share www.lhm.org/equipping evangelism training workshops provide opportunities for lay people to reach the world with God’s love. These are only a few of the programs LHM offers to churches and schools to enhance your ministry. Ambassadors will keep you informed of all the ways LHM can serve you in mission.

Does your church have an LHM Ambassador yet? If so, ask your Ambassador to meet with you to discuss how LHM can partner with your church to reach your community with Christ’s love. If you do not have an Ambassador yet, simply identify someone in your congregation who has a desire to share the Gospel and talk to them about volunteering to be your church’s Ambassador. Send their contact information to Faith.Spelbring@lhm.org. She will work with local LHM volunteers to train them to use LHM’s effective outreach tools to enhance the ministry of your congregation.

Together, we can be effective in Bringing Christ to the Nations-and the Nations to the Church!